Even when you feel hope is gone, remember that God knows your pain and that his promise remains. He promises you eternal salvation. He promises you a life of peace, a life without pain and suffering with him in heaven. This world, this journey, can be harsh, filled with disappointments and falls. When your world is beginning to get dark, then know that you are not fully trusting him. You are traveling on a path away from his light and into the darkness. If you continue down the dark path, you will end up in despair. Turn yourself around and walk toward his light. Get on your knees and pray, read his Word, and spend time alone with him.
Sometimes life bombards you with obstacles, and there are so many stressors that you don’t feel he is there. Simply take inventory: Have I prayed lately? Have I read the Bible lately? Have I thanked God lately for anything? If you answered no to any of these questions, then it is you that has strayed from God. He wraps himself in light so that when the path is dark, you just have to look around, and you will know which way to turn. When you feel hope is gone, it is then that you need to choose trust over doubt and to “give it up” to God. Offer your pain and your darkness up in prayer. Your struggles are not in vain. They give you character, endurance, and strength. These struggles are a higher calling for you to be closer to him and to have a personal relationship with him.